一位美国听众的反馈,watchOS 2 的复杂性,几位 Uber 司机的趣事。
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- South Park
- Oculus DK2
- PenTile
- Ars Technica: Virtual Perfection: Why 8K resolution per eye isn’t enough for perfect VR
- 警惕中国特供——有多少「本地化」可以重来
- 《植物大战僵尸2》——劣化,一个深思熟虑的结果
- 鼠鬚管
- Akamai
- 蓝汛
- John Gruber 点评 XcodeGhost 事件
- Russell Ivanovic: More Thoughts on Apple Music for Android
- Russell Ivanovic: Apple’s First Android App
- David Pogue: A Humble Proposition: How to Fix the Apple Watch
- Dark Sky
- PCalc
- Maciej Ceglowski: What Happens Next will Amaze You
- Alternate Reality Game
- IPN 播客网络常见问题解答
Rio: Apple4us 程序员。